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Louisa Andreucci

Accredited Advisor

Louisa Andreucci
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Louisa Andreucci

Company Hood Sweeney Pty Ltd
Position Director in Accounting & Business Advisory
Address SAAustralia
Mobile +61 402 521 316
Specialities Succession Planning, Strategic Planning

Louisa Andreucci is a Director in Accounting & Business Advisory at Hood Sweeney and an accredited Family Business Association adviser.

With more than 10 years of professional experience, Louisa advises professionals and business clients across industries with the management of their income tax affairs, GST and the preparation of financial statements. Louisa’s clients include businesses in construction and food and hospitality, and family owned and run businesses.

Louisa is also a Director in Strategic Accounting in the specialist growth advisory, Blue Jam, supporting businesses with the tools to grow.

Building relationships with her clients and understanding what they hope to achieve helps Louisa develop business plans and metrics around them to support the achievements and success of her clients.

Working with family businesses means supporting different generations in the family to ensure knowledge is shared and there is education about the business and the family assets.

Louisa says: ‘The family element of a business adds a layer of complexity but as advisers we understand that complexity, and our goal is to help achieve the happiness of everyone involved and to create a legacy for one generation to leave to the next.

Part of the journey is about ensuring family wealth remains within the family and is properly handed down amongst generations – whether it be investment assets or businesses.’