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WA Advisor Connect Meeting - Feb 2025

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Join us for the next Advisor Connect Meeting by registering below.

This is an opportunity for advisors and other professionals across multiple disciplines to learn from each other, understand each other’s expertise and build a network that is required as trusted advisors to the unique Family Business sector.

Your local Advisor Facilitator will be your main point of contact.

Note: This event is for Advisors only.

This month's topic: The Importance of Good Judgement in the Family Enterprise Leadership

All business enterprises must make choices about their operations and strategy. Some are more important than others and that’s where the quality of individual judgement is crucial, particularly in an uncertain and

ever-changing operating environment.

Family businesses face unique challenges when making the most important of choices. When the basis of common interests are family links, decision-making will become more complex and nuanced than the formal arrangements of non-family enterprises, run by professional management.

  • Definition and analysis of judgement and provide a judgement framework to increase the chances of improving the process
  • Real-world case study examples to further illustrate judgement in action
  • Group case study for review and discussion
  • Consider the importance of good judgement on advisors to family business
  • Additional resources and publication details, for attendees after the presentation

About our Speaker: Lyall Bear

Lyall has over 40 years in providing practical business solutions to clients. Lyall has been actively involved in businesses at varying stages of growth - including strategy and succession issues. Lyall's experience also includes working closely with a number of successful (usually family owned) businesses to develop succession and exit plans as part of broader estate planning strategies.

We look forward to seeing you there.

This is a hybrid event and you may attend in person or online. If you are unable to attend in person and would like to join the meeting via video, please contact Katie McMeekin, FBA State Representative WA for the link. 

Thank you to our Event Host

Please contact the FBA Office on 1800 249 357 if you require assistance with your registration.

Click here to view the terms and conditions.

 Share the WA events page with your family and colleagues - spread the word​.